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Puerto Rican Bar Association

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Home   /   New York Bar Associations   /   Puerto Rican Bar Association

Although the Puerto Rican Bar Association was officially formed in 1957, the idea first started floating around in the 1930s when a group of Puerto Rican attorneys started to meet regularly. From those beginnings, the bar association has grown rapidly and now includes over 500 members, all of whom have a strong interested in the legal field.

The bar association states that it has always worked for the betterment of the Latin community. To this end, the Puerto Rican Bar Association has involved itself in many issues that are important to minorities in New York and around the country. In addition, the bar association also runs the Puerto Rican Bar Association Scholarship Fund which gives financial assistance to needy law students.

Contact the Puerto Rican Bar Association

Church Street Station
P.O. Box 3494
New York, NY 10008

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