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Filipino Lawyers of Washington

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Home   /   Washington State Bar Associations   /   Filipino Lawyers of Washington

The Filipino Lawyers of Washington, (FLOW)’s mission is to promote the exchange of ideas, encourage professional growth, and promote diversity. To further this mission FLOW hosts numerous social events, provides legal resources, and is heavily involved in the community.

FLOW hosts an annual fiesta, has a student outreach program, participates in judicial evaluations, and has multiple events every month ranging from happy hours to sustainable growth summits. Other features offered by FLOW are an attorney directory and scholarships provided to law students in Washington.

To become a member of FLOW you must fill out a brief application and pay a $50 annual fee. However, membership in this organization is free for law students.

Contact the Filipino Lawyers of Washington

3418 N.E. 65th St., Ste. B
Seattle, WA 98115
206-517-8123 (fax)

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