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Dade County Bar Association

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Home   /   Florida Bar Associations   /   Dade County Bar Association

The Dade County Bar Association is a non-profit organization that was created in 1920 and has since then grown to over 4,500 members. The first goal of the Dade County Bar Association is to inform and help the public with legal and policy issues. This commitment to the public is what has earned it respect in the legal and non-legal community.

In fulfilling this goal, the Dade County Bar Association holds several events for the public. For example, in 2002 the association appointed a special committee just to inform and train the public on how to use new voting machines in Dade County. Furthermore, the organization has created a committee to study the financing involved in judicial elections to create and encourage transparency to the public.

Recently, the association has launched a lawyer referral service for the public. This is to allow the public to easily find the type of attorney they are looking for and receive assistance as quickly as possible.

Contact the Dade County Bar Association

123 NW First Avenue, Suite 214
Miami, Florida 33128
Phone: 305-371-2220

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