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Find a Lawyer Now!New Mexico is the 36th most populous state with nearly 2.1 million residents and maintains the 37th highest ratio of attorneys in the nation. Currently, the state has roughly 26 lawyers for every 10,000 residents. There are also over 1,000 attorneys licensed to practice in New Mexico that live outside the state. In total, there are 8,618 lawyers currently licensed to practice in New Mexico, and all of these attorneys are members of the State Bar of New Mexico—the state’s mandatory bar association. Servicing a diverse range of legal professionals, the State Bar of New Mexico focuses on providing important practice tools as well as networking opportunities. Aside from helping those in the state’s legal profession, the State Bar of New Mexico also commits itself to assisting New Mexico’s residents through legal advice hotlines and informational resources.
In addition to the State Bar of New Mexico, a number of non-mandatory bar associations exist throughout the state. These associations concentrate on serving a particular geographic region within the state, including counties, cities, and judicial districts. Examples of these bar associations include the Albuquerque Bar Association and the Taos County Bar Association. These region-specific bar associations in New Mexico offer several benefits that aid the legal community by offering lawyer referral services and hosting educational events.
New Mexico is also home to numerous voluntary bar associations that center around a specific practice area or a specific minority group. Some of the bar associations include the New Mexico Trial Lawyers Association, the New Mexico Chapter of the Federal Bar Association, and the New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. Many of the practice-specific bar associations in New Mexico were formed in order to provide attorneys working in that particular legal field with useful tools, such as document banks and amicus briefs, and unique events, including relevant continuing legal education seminars and networking opportunities.
Minority bar associations in New Mexico include the New Mexico Indian Bar Association, the New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association, and the New Mexico Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association. These associations assist their members in maintaining a strong community within New Mexico’s legal, Additionally, these minority bar associations in New Mexico often assist the entire minority community living in the state through various forms of aid such as law-related educational experiences for young people.