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Toledo Bar Association

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Home   /   Ohio Bar Associations   /   Toledo Bar Association

The Toledo Bar Association has 1,650 members and provide them with opportunities to network and develop professionally. The mission of the Toledo Bar Association is to ensure justice is administered fairly, the integrity of the legal profession is upheld, and the public has access to the court system.

The Toledo Bar Association offers a variety of events, activities, and educational opportunities to their members. A few of these events include multiple CLE’s every month, an attorney referral service, and an attorney directory. The Toledo Bar Association also offers pro bono clinics for low income individuals in specialized areas. A few of these clinics include a divorce clinic, juvenile clinic, and an expungement clinic. Other benefits include discounts on insurance policies, free counseling services, and a special credit card service for members.

Membership in the Toledo Bar Association is open to lawyers, law students, and paralegals. To become a member of this association you need to fill out a membership application and pay an annual due which ranges from $50 to $305 depending on how many years the applicant has been licensed to practice law.

Contact the Toledo Bar Association

311 N. Superior St.
Toledo, OH 43604-1421
Phone: (419) 242.9363
Fax: ( 419) 242.3614

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