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Find a Lawyer Now!The Alameda County Bar Association was established in 1877 and has a membership base of approximately 2,200 legal professionals. This population is made of up practicing lawyers, judges, law students and many others.
This bar association is a nonprofit organization with an entirely volunteer membership. It provides many public service programs to the community, like an attorney referral service, pro bono legal assistance and Alternative Dispute Resolution sessions that are often favored in place of courts and trials.
The Alameda County Bar Association counts as its mission to promote the legal profession and its development. As well, it seeks to increase the diversity in the legal community and to support civil rights and the just and fair administration of justice.
70 Washington Street, Suite 200, Oakland, CA 94607
Tel: (510) 302-ACBA (2222)
Fax: (510) 452-2224