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Find a Lawyer Now!The Beverly Hills Bar Association was first established in 1931 and has been serving the community for over 75 years. This bar association is nationally recognized and has over 3,600 members and serves over 15,000 lawyers that live or work near Beverly Hills. This large member base makes the Beverly Hills Bar Association the largest voluntary bar association in all of California that is not a county bar association.
The Beverly Hills Bar Association provides many services to the public in the area including an attorney referral service and fee arbitration. In addition, the Beverly Hills Bar Association also offers a legal secretarial school for those members of the public who have recently been hired as legal secretaries for the first time.
The Beverly Hills Bar Association also provides its members with various services, including professional education and development. The members of the Beverly Hills Bar Association can choose from a variety Continuing Legal Education courses, and can also choose to instruct a Citizen’s Law School class if they wish.
9420 Wilshire Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212-3169
Tel: (310) 601-2422
Fax: (310) 601-2423