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Find a Lawyer Now!The Los Angeles County Bar Association is the largest metropolitan bar association in the country. It was founded over 125 years ago and currently has over 25,000 members that actively participate in over 100 committees.
The Los Angeles County Bar Association takes its job seriously and provides its members with a wide range of Continuing Legal Education, practice aids and professional networking. In addition, the Los Angeles County Bar Association also works with the judicial community to improve the quality and efficiency of justice.
The Los Angeles County Bar Association also provides services to the public by supporting major legal services programs. These include Public Counsel as well as the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles. In addition to these programs, the Los Angeles County Bar Association also provides free legal services to thousands of individuals each year, including immigrants, those with HIV/AIDS, and battered women.
1055 West Seventh Street, Suite 2700, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (213) 627-2727