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Find a Lawyer Now!The Queen’s Bench Bar Association was originally founded by women attorneys in San Francisco and the Bay Area who were frustrated by the resistance of male lawyers who refused them access to the local bar association. Since 1921, the Queen’s Bench Bar Association has sought to advance the interests of women in law and society, and has played an important role in the advancement of women in the legal profession.
The Queen’s Bench Bar Association regularly provides its members with opportunities to give back to the community in and around San Francisco. The bar association’s members often participate in programs designed to curtail domestic violence, and also to improve the conditions of the girls’ unit in Juvenile Hall.
In addition, this bar association has regularly integrated and teamed itself with other legal organizations around the country that also seek to promote the interests of women in the legal profession. These other organizations include: California Women Lawyers, Minority Bar Coalition, Bar Association of San Francisco, and the National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations.
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