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Find a Lawyer Now!Located on the Central Coast of California, the San Luis Obispo County Bar Association seeks to promote the honor and dignity of the legal profession. In addition, this bar association educates both the public as well as its attorney members in order to benefit the legal system.
The San Luis Obispo County Bar Association provides a lawyer referral service to the members of the community who are looking for legal representation. This service seeks to refer competent lawyers to clients who are in need of legal help. This lawyer referral service charges only $25 for a referral, which is one of the least expensive in the state.
In addition, this bar association provides many benefits and programs to its lawyer members. As one example, because attorneys in California are required to complete a minimum number of Continuing Legal Education hours every year, the San Luis Obispo County Bar Association has made it easier by holding its own CLE events. As well, the bar association also provides a fee-dispute program where attorneys can go when they have problems with collecting fees from clients.
Post Office Box 585
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
Tel: (805) 541-5930