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Find a Lawyer Now!The San Mateo County Bar Association was officially organized in 1916 when thirteen local attorneys and the sole judge for San Mateo County at the time met and decided to form this association. Today, this bar association is over 90 years old and has grown from the original fourteen members to include over 1,200 attorneys.
The members of the San Mateo County Bar Association all work towards its goal of promoting the interests of justice and the legal profession in both the professional and lay communities. In addition, this bar association also works tirelessly to provide the best legal assistance possible when indigent individuals are before a criminal prosecution.
The San Mateo County Bar Association also runs a lawyer referral service that the public regularly uses to find a local attorney. In exchange for a nominal fee, this lawyer referral service will give you the name of an attorney who may be able to assist you. As well, a fee arbitration service is also run by this bar association as is tasked with resolving fee disputes before either party seeks court action.
333 Bradford Street, Suite 200, Redwood City, CA 94063
Tel: (650) 298-4030
Fax: (650) 368-3892