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Find a Lawyer Now!The Central Florida Gay and Lesbian Law Association (Central Florida GALLA) was founded in 2004 and is a non-profit voluntary bar organization. The goal of the organization is to provide support and assistance to gay and lesbian attorneys and law students. To further this goal the Central Florida Gay and Lesbian Law Association provides resources for the public to better understand and be aware of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues within Florida.
The Central Florida Gay and Lesbian Law Association holds many events for its members. Members come from various legal backgrounds including immigration law, criminal law, family law, estate planning, real estate, and bankruptcy law. In order to provide a diversity of topics the association invites speakers to talk about not only a specific area of law but also to integrate their personal stories into their presentations. For example, recently the organization held a transgender panel in order to discuss the issues affecting the transgender community.
1035 Primera Boulevard, Suite 1041
Lake Mary, FL 32746