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Find a Lawyer Now!The Pinellas County Mid-County Bar Association is a small but influential organization in Florida. It provides several services to its members but especially focuses on helping the public in attaining legal services. For members, the Pinellas County Mid-County Bar Association provides newsletters that provide information of interest to local attorneys, continuing legal education opportunities, and areas of pro bono work for the attorneys through which they can be of service to the public.
For the public, the Pinellas County Mid-County Bar Association provides pro bono clinics and community service events in which the attorneys volunteer at local shelters. The association also provides law related educational forums to allow the community to become involved and better understand how to attain a lawyer and navigate through the legal system.
1259 Myrtle Avenue South
Clearwater, Florida 33756
Phone: 727-446-0840
Fax: 727-446-0850