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Find a Lawyer Now!The Third Judicial Circuit Bar Association includes people from Columbia, Dixie, Hamilton, Lafayette, Madison, Suwanee, and Taylor counties. It is made up of lawyers, judges, and law students who reside or work in the third judicial area. They host several networking events a year and CLE seminars. The association prides itself in its pro bono work and monthly luncheons with guest speakers.
The goals of the Third Judicial Circuit Bar Association are to uphold the ethical standards in the legal field and to promote a collegial environment between all attorneys and judges within the various different counties. With a strong membership that in continuously growing the association holds an annual end of the year meeting to discuss the successes of the past year and to plan events for the upcoming new year.
P.O. Box 1288
Live Oak, Florida 32064-1288
Phone: 386-364-4440
Fax: 386-364-4508