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Atlanta Bar Association

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Home   /   Georgia Bar Associations   /   Atlanta Bar Association

The Atlanta Bar Association is a non-profit organization that is over 100 years old and maintains approximately 6,300 active members. The Atlanta Bar Association’s mission is to promote excellence in the legal profession by ensuring members perform their duties as attorneys efficiently, ethically, and professionally. The Atlanta Bar Association also seeks to increase access to the legal profession by encouraging members to get involved in the community through a number of outreach programs they offer.

The Atlanta Bar Association offers the normal benefits of a large bar association such as numerous CLE opportunities, a membership directory, holiday parties, and a client referral service. Aside from those events the Atlanta Bar Association also offers a number of unique programs such as a flag-football league, law school outreach program, and donates to the community by offering special scholarships to children of police officers killed in the line of duty.

There are a variety of different memberships within the Atlanta Bar Association and each membership form has different requirements. Law students must be enrolled in an accredited law school and pay a $25 annual due, attorneys practicing for less than 3 years pay $125 annual due, attorneys practicing more than 4 years pay a $195 annual due, and attorneys practicing for over 8 years pay $245. There is also a specialty membership known as the 100% club open to law firms with five or more attorneys who all join the Atlanta Bar Association.

Contact the Atlanta Bar Association

229 Peachtree Street
Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30303

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