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Find a Lawyer Now!The DeKalb Bar Association (DBA) was founded in 1964 and their mission is to ensure the integrity of the legal profession is upheld. The DeKalb Bar Association also strives to promote the public good and ensure justice is served. The DeKalb Bar Association offers a variety of activities for members including a holiday party, panel discussions, and luncheons. The DeKalb Bar Association also offers sections for multiple areas of the law including a family law section, trial lawyers section, and a young lawyers section.
To become an active or gold member in the DeKalb Bar Association you must be a member of the Georgia State Bar. Gold membership costs $500 a year and an active membership costs $225 a year. The DeKalb Bar Association also promotes a student mentorship program where practicing attorneys guide developing lawyers. The DeKalb Bar Association also allows non-attorneys to become honorary or associate members.
P.O. Box 3136
Decatur GA.30031