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Find a Lawyer Now!The Federal Bar Association (FBA) is a national organization that has been around for nearly 100 years whose mission is to ensure attorneys practicing in Federal court perform at the highest level. The FBA helps attorneys perform at the highest level by offering educational opportunities, leadership training, and providing networking opportunities so lawyers can collaborate with each other on complex matters.
The Federal Bar Association hosts numerous events such as happy hours, luncheons, judicial retirement parties, and seminars where esteemed speakers discuss important legal issues with members. The FBA also offers CLE’s, a membership directory, a judicial profile index, and publishes The Federal Lawyer magazine that analyzes complex legal issues.
To become a member of this organization you must be a practicing attorney or law student in an accredited law school. There are several different types of membership and annual dues range from $30 for law students to $255 for lawyers who have been practicing more than 11 years.
1718 Peachtree St., N.W.Suite 599
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Email the Federal Bar Association of Atlanta