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Find a Lawyer Now!The Gate City Bar Association was the first African America Bar Association in Georgia and has been in existence for over 50 years. The Gate City Bar Association was formed during a time of segregation to provide African-American lawyers with the opportunity to protect themselves as well as members of their community. The Gate City Bar Association continues their work to ensure equal rights are protected and justice is served to this day.
The Gate City Bar Association currently has hundreds of members and hosts numerous events such as golf tournaments, a law day, social mixers, and a holiday party. The Gate City Bar Association is also very active in the community and operates a summer camp for minority high school students who are interested in pursuing a legal career. The organization further helps their community by offering an annual workshop designed to help first year law students.
Membership in this organization is open to attorneys, judges, law students, and paralegals. The annual dues in this organization range from $10 for law students to $125 for judges.
P.O. Box 16727
Atlanta, Georgia 30321
Phone 404-419-6627