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Find a Lawyer Now!The Georgia Association of Defense Lawyers (GACDL) is a 1,700 member organization that supports criminal defense lawyers and seeks to ensure the ABA standards regarding caseloads for criminal defense attorneys is complied with so those facing criminal charges receive adequate representation. A major focus of GACDL is to ensure those on death row receive proper treatment on habeas petitions and expanding the definition of indigent to ensure those suffering significant financial hardship from criminal prosecution are afforded proper representation.
GACDL hosts numerous seminars for members throughout Georgia and has collaborated with the University of Georgia Law School to create the Bill Daniel Trial Advocacy Program. GACDL also provides an attorney directory to help those seeking criminal defense representation find an attorney.
To become a member of the Georgia Association of Defense Lawyers you should be working as a criminal defense attorney or be an investigator for a criminal defense lawyer. However, membership is open to law students and to become a member you must fill out a brief application and pay annual membership dues ranging from $40 for law students to $165 for private defense attorneys.
P.O. Box 29653
Atlanta, GA 30359
Phone (404) 248-1777