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Find a Lawyer Now!The Georgia Association of Women Lawyers (GAWL) was formed in 1928 by Minnie Daniel, the first woman law school graduate in Georgia’s history, and Betty Reynolds, the first woman to pass the Georgia Bar exam. The mission of GAWL is to promote the professional development as well as the personal welfare of women attorneys in Georgia. GAWL operates statewide throughout Georgia and has chapters in Augusta, Columbus, Douglas-Paulding, Gwinnett, John Marshall Law School, Savannah, and South Atlanta.
The Georgia Association of Women Lawyers is very active in Georgia politics and brings a voice to important matters impacting women attorneys such as judicial nominations and legislation. GAWL also provides educational opportunities for woman attorneys through programs such as their Leadership Academy. The Leadership Academy allows qualified attorneys who have been in practice for more than six years to receive leadership training so they can be better equipped to lead their communities and law firms. Aside from the professional development opportunities and political voice brought by the GAWL they also host numerous social visits which include happy hours, holiday parties, and luncheons.
Membership GAWL is open to men and women attorneys. GAWL also accepts law students and a few non-attorney members. To become a member in the Georgia Association of Women Lawyers, you must fill out an application and pay your annual dues which range from $20 for law students to $110 for attorney members.
3855 Spalding Bluff Drive
Norcross, GA 30092
Phone: (770) 446-1517
Email the Georgia Association of Women Lawyers