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Find a Lawyer Now!The Georgia Real Estate Closing Attorneys Association (GRECCA) is a non-profit organization that was incorporated in 1990 and currently has over 175 members. The mission of GRECCA is to assist real estate attorneys and the general public in dealing with the complexities of real estate transactions. The Georgia Real Estate Closing Attorneys Association is active in promoting legislation that supports their mission and will participate in litigation to assist their members. GRECCA also provides a directory of their members as well as a newsletter.
To become a member of GRECCA you must be an attorney and a substantial amount of your practice must involve real estate transactions. Potential members must also fill out an application and pay an annual due which is $200 for solo practitioners, $300 for firms with two to three attorneys who engage in real estate law, $500 for firms with 4-9 attorneys whose practice primarily focuses on real estate law, and $1000 for firms with 10 or more attorneys whose primary focus is real estate law.
750 Hammond Drive, Bldg. 11
Atlanta, GA 30328
(770) 579-0109