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Find a Lawyer Now!The Newrock Legal Society (NRLS) is an organization whose mission is to ensure that people living in Neworck and Rockdale counties receive proper legal representation. The Newrock Legal Society emphasizes educating lawyers and community members on the law to ensure justice is administered fairly.
NRLS accomplishes their mission by hosting forums to teach citizens about their rights, offering a client referral service, and an attorney directory. The Newrock Legal Society also meets on the second Tuesday of every month so members can network. Furthermore, NRLS provides mentorship opportunities so more experienced attorneys can guide newly admitted attorneys in their law practice.
Membership in NRLS is open to law students, legal professionals, and attorneys. To become a member you need to fill out a membership application and pay an annual due which ranges from $25 for law students to $75 for licensed attorneys.
PO Box 81548
Conyers, GA 30013
Phone: (404) 525-1892