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North Fulton Bar Association

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Home   /   Georgia Bar Associations   /   North Fulton Bar Association

The North Fulton Bar Association (NFBA) provides lawyers and judges who work north of the Chattahoochee River an opportunity to network and develop professionally. NFPA holds monthly meetings at the Diner in North Point so lawyers working in the North Fulton community can discuss events impacting the community. NFBA also offers a membership directory and job postings for members.

NFPA is also very active in the local community and provides numerous charitable services such as a toy drive for local children, giving laptops to a local high school debate team, and judging high school mock trial competitions to name a few of NFBA’s contributions to the community.

To become a member of the North Fulton Bar Association you need to fill out a membership application and pay an annual due, which is $110. If you join after June 30 of any calendar year the annual due will be reduced to $60. The deadline for renewal is March 1st of each calendar year.

Contact the North Fulton Bar Association

P.O. Box 1282
Roswell, GA 30077-1282
Phone: (770) 829-3850

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