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Find a Lawyer Now!The Savannah Bar Association (SBA) is a voluntary professional organization that has been helping local attorneys working in Savannah to network and develop professionally since 1917. One of the most active organizations in the SBA is the Young Lawyers Division which offers mock trial competitions, coordinates with the American Bar Association for Law Day, and hosts a golf tournament.
The SBA hosts numerous events which include an annual boat ride, a monthly luncheon, cocktail receptions, and Law Day. The Savannah Bar Association also publishes a newsletter and an attorney referral service to help people find legal representation in Savannah.
To become a member of the Savannah Bar Association you need to be a licensed attorney, fill out an application, and pay an annual due ranging from $100 to $200 based on years of experience. To become a member of the Young Lawyers Division you need to be under 36 years old or have been practicing law less than five years.
PO Box 9762
Savannah, GA 31412
(912) 652-7556