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South Asian Bar Association of Georgia

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Home   /   Georgia Bar Associations   /   South Asian Bar Association of Georgia

The South Asian Bar Association of Georgia (SABA) is a chapter of the larger North American South Asian Bar Association. SABA’s mission is to provide a forum to address legal issues facing the South Asian Community as well as provide resources to help South Asian attorneys develop professionally.

SABA in collaboration with the North American South Asian Bar Association hosts several events on a national level and has many events locally as well. A few of these social events include a pool party, happy hours, as well as a cook-off competition. Aside from these social events SABA hosts multiple professional development seminars and networking opportunities such as a speed-networking event that allows newly minted lawyers to meet with multiple seasoned lawyers in a room for five minutes at a time.

To become a member of SABA you need to display an interest in furthering issues facing the South Asian Community. You must also fill out a membership application and pay an annual due of $40 or $15 if the applicant is a law student.

Contact the South Asian Bar Association of Georgia

675 W. Peachtree St. NW, Suite 4300
Atlanta, GA 30375
(404) 335-0750

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