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Stonewall Bar Association

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Home   /   Georgia Bar Associations   /   Stonewall Bar Association

The Stonewall Bar Association (SBA) was founded in 1995 and is dedicated to protecting the rights of the GLBT legal community. SBA also seeks to provide professional development opportunities for legal professionals that support the advancement of LGBT rights.

SBA has numerous events to further their goals including a holiday party, CLE events, basketball games, mixers, and happy hours. The Stonewall Bar Association has also reached out to every law school in Georgia and selects two law students from each school to serve on their board of directors. These law students will further the mission of SBA and assist other law students address issues facing the LGBT community.

Membership in the Stonewall Bar Association is open to law students, judges, lawyers, and other legal professionals. To become a member you must fill out a membership application and pay an annual due of $50 if you are a local attorney. Membership is free for law students, $10 for legal professionals, and only $25 per year if you are an attorney practicing outside of Fulton, DeKalb, and Cobb counties.

Contact the Stonewall Bar Association of Georgia

Stonewall Bar Association of Georgia, Inc.
Post Office Box 7708
Atlanta, GA 30357-0708

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