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Find a Lawyer Now!The mission of the Walton County Bar Association (WCBA) is to ensure the Constitution of the United States is upheld and the integrity of the legal profession is maintained. The WCBA also seeks to improve the public’s access to the judicial system and promote camaraderie among members.
The Walton County Bar Association is active in the community and provides opportunities for high school students to see the justice system in action first hand on Law Day. The WCBA was recognized for their activity in the community by the State Bar of Georgia and awarded the best new entry for how they celebrated law day in their community. The Walton County Bar Association also provides a lawyer referral service to assist member of the community in finding legal representation.
To become an active member of the Walton County Bar Association you must be a member in good standing of the Georgia Bar, have a Walton County address listed in the bar directory, and practice law in Walton County. There is also legacy membership open to those who were active members of the WCBA, but have since moved or retired from the practice of law. Potential members must also fill out a membership application and pay an annual due which is $75 for attorneys in private practice and $35 for attorneys working in the public sector.
PO Box 588
Social Circle, GA 30025
(770) 464-3300