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Find a Lawyer Now!The Western Circuit Bar Association (WCBA) provides an opportunity for lawyers in Athens-Clarke and Oconee counties to engage in legal reform, collaborate on ways to improve public access to the judicial system, and promote camaraderie among the 100 Members of the Western Circuit Bar Association.
The WCBA offers many activities for members including happy hours, guest speakers, and luncheons. The Western Circuit Bar Association also provides a legal referral service to public and publishes a newsletter every three months.
To become a member of the WCBA you must fill out a membership application and mail it to the Treasurer of the Western Circuit Bar Association at the address listed below. You must also pay an annual due of $100 and an additional $8 if you wish to be listed in the attorney referral database.
P.O. Box 1702
Athens, GA 30603-1702
(706) 549-7770