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Find a Lawyer Now!The Linn County Bar Association (LCBA) was created to serve the attorneys that reside and work in Linn County. Additionally, the LCBA strives to benefit the county’s residents. A significant way that the Linn County Bar Association helps the general public is by providing several links to online legal resources on its website to assist local residents in finding the legal information that they need.
Aside from helping out people living in Linn County, the LCBA also offers several benefits to its members. Lawyers belonging to the Linn County Bar Association that have been practicing for less than a decade can connect with one another and more experience attorneys in the county through the LCBA’s Linn Law Club. The Linn County Bar Association also gives its members several chances each year to socialize and network with one another at various social events, such as the annual Summer Outing and cocktail parties.