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Find a Lawyer Now!The Polk County Bar Association (PCBA) strives to serve the entire legal community working and living in Polk County. Membership is open to all Iowa residents that are licensed to practice law in the state and all law students. The inclusive nature of the PCBA’s members has helped the Polk County Bar Association become the biggest local bar association in Iowa.
The PCBA provides several perks to its more than 1.500 members. Attorneys that are members of the Polk County Bar Association can become more informed about different areas of law by attending the free continuing legal education courses that the PCBA hosts each year. The Polk County Bar Association keeps its members informed of the latest news in the local legal community and any major changes to the practice of law in Polk County by distributing a newsletter to its members.
In addition to further the professional development of its members, the PCBA works to be beneficial to the people living in the county. For Polk County’s Hispanic community, the Polk County Bar Association provides legal advice in Spanish to residents that are more comfortable conversing in Spanish than English through its HOLA Center legal clinic. Local residents that are in need of a mediator are able to obtain a low-cost mediator by contacting PCBA’s Mediation program.
625 East Court Ave., Suite 100
Des Moines, IA 50309-2007