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Find a Lawyer Now!Established in 1874, the Chicago Bar Association is one of the oldest and most active bar associations in America. There are more than 22,000 lawyers and judges in the bar association. Membership is voluntary with the vast majority of members hail from Cook County and all over Illinois. Its goals are to preserve the dignity of the legal profession and its members, cultivate networking opportunities, and raise the standard of legal practice.
While access to the Chicago Bar Association’s large directory of attorneys is not accessible to the public, those looking for a referral to a legal specialist can contact the bar association online or over the phone. In addition, the public also has access to a legal white papers and other useful documents on the bar association’s website.
Chicago Bar Association members receive a number of benefits for joining. They can visit and check out materials at the John Marshall Law School Library. The Chicago Bar Association also host a number of CLE seminars for attorneys looking to satisfy their annual requirements. Members also can participate in a number of legal committees and new lawyers can gain litigation experience by taking part in the bar association’s moot court competitions.
321 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago, IL 60604
Tel: (312) 554-2000