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Find a Lawyer Now!The Cook County Bar Association holds the distinctive honor of being one of the oldest African America bar associations in the country. Founded in 1869 by 32 African American lawyers, including Ida Platt, the first African American female attorney in Illinois, the bar association has strived to change the political landscape for minorities through legal discourse.
The Cook County Bar Association has an excellent lawyer referral program for the public. Those looking for an attorney can be sure to find the right one browsing the expansive array of legal specialist listed on the bar association’s website. However, much of the work done by the bar association focuses on increasing diversity in the legal profession and enacting positive legislative changes.
Members of the Cook County Bar Association can choose to be listed in it lawyer referral directory. They can also volunteer for a number of committees within the bar association. The bar association also host a cable television show, CLE course, networking events, and even a lawyer mentoring program.
39 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 1117, Chicago, IL 60603