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Find a Lawyer Now!The Boone County Bar Association was created to benefit the legal community working and living in Boone County. Since the majority of the activity of the Boone County Bar Association happens in Boone County, the vast majority of attorneys that belong live or work in Boone County. Lawyers that work or live in Boone County often join the Boone County Bar Association in order to benefit from the membership perks, including being listed in the Boone County Bar Association’s online directory.
Being beneficial to the local community is another important goal for the Boone County Bar Association. Low-income residents living in Boone County are able to get low-cost legal representation through the Boone County Bar Association’s Pauper Assistance Program. They also provided a helpful guide on its website to explain to the general public when they do and do not need an attorney.
8809 Pin Oak Drive
Zionsville, IN 46077