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Find a Lawyer Now!Formed in 1834, the Hendricks County Bar Association (HCBA) is dedicated to serving both the legal and the non-legal communities of Hendricks County. Since the Hendricks County Bar Association aims to be beneficial to the whole of the legal community working and living in Hendricks County, both retired and active lawyers may become members. Additionally, the Hendricks County Bar Association allows for attorneys that live in nearby counties to also join as full members.
There are several benefits to being a member of the Hendricks County Bar Association. HCBA members are able to network with one another at social events, such as the Pro Bono Golf Outing. The Hendricks County Bar Association also allows for its members to do pro bono work through Ask A Lawyer events that the HCBA helps put on at local libraries, where local residents can come and get free legal advice from Hendricks County Bar Association members.
111 S. Washington Street
Danville, IN 46122