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Find a Lawyer Now!The Madison County Bar Association exists to support the legal community that works in Madison County. While the main focus of the Madison County Bar Association is on Madison County, membership is not restricted to only lawyers that work or live in Madison County. However, all members of the Madison County Bar Association must be licensed to practice law in the state of Indiana.
Since the predominant goal of the Madison County Bar Association is to benefit attorneys working in Madison County, the association provides several perks to its members. Lawyers belonging to the Madison County Bar Association that need to fulfill continuing legal education credits requirements are often able to get the credits they need by attending the continuing legal education seminars that the Madison County Bar Association puts on throughout the year. The Madison County Bar Association also keeps its members up to date on the latest news that impacts the local legal community by maintaining a news blog on its website.
931 Meridian Street, Suite 403
Anderson, IN 46016