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Find a Lawyer Now!The Kansas Bar Association (KBA) is a voluntary bar organization with over 6,900 members and more than 125 years of history. The mission of the KBA is to advance the legal profession by providing professional development opportunities for attorneys, encouraging public understanding of the law, and ensuring the fair administration of justice.
The Kansas Bar Association accomplishes its objectives through a variety of events, trainings, and community outreach efforts. A few of the features offered by the KBA include an attorney referral service, a government affairs director that lobbies for legislative changes to benefit KBA members, a bookstore, as well as discounts on important items such as insurance and office equipment. Additionally, the Kansas Bar Association hosts a number of events such as dinners, luncheons, CLE’s, and a high school mock trial competition hosted by the young lawyers section of the Kansas Bar Association.
Membership in the Kansas Bar Association is open to lawyers, law students, and paralegals or legal assistants. To join the KBA you must fill out an application and pay an annual due, which ranges from free for law students to $150 for government attorneys and $235 for private attorneys.
1200 SW Harrison St.
Topeka, KS 66612-1806
Fax 785.234.3813