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Find a Lawyer Now!The Kansas Women Attorneys Association (KWAA) was formed in 1994 after Justice Marla Luckert—a leader in the Topeka Women’s Attorneys Association—attended a conference with leaders from the Wichita Women Attorneys Association and decided to form a statewide organization to support women attorneys. The mission of KWAA is to promote the professional development of women attorneys by advocating for their placement in positions of power such as judicial seats and encouraging women to pursue careers in the law.
The KWAA accomplishes its goals through professional development and networking events along with community outreach programs. A few offerings from the Kansas Women Attorneys Association include the Lindsborg Conference, which is a three-day leadership retreat for member and satisfies all Kansas CLE requirements for a year. The KWAA also offers a listserv, specialty committees, and presents the Jesse Kellogg Award annually to a member that has achieved excellence in the field and has encouraged other women to succeed in the legal profession.
Membership in the Kansas Women Attorneys Association is open to law students and attorneys that support the advancement of women in the legal profession. To become a member, you must fill out a membership application and pay an annual due.
Topeka , KS 66601 UNITED STATES
Phone: (785) 260-0452