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Find a Lawyer Now!The Topeka Bar Association (TBA) is a voluntary bar association that provides local attorneys with a forum to network and develop professionally. The Topeka Bar Association also seeks to ensure attorneys behave ethically and that justice is administered fairly.
The Topeka Bar Association offers a number of events and services for their members. A few of the events offered by TBA include golf tournaments, clay shooting outings, and an annual turkey shoot. Other benefits of membership include CLE’s, monthly meetings, access to a monthly newsletter, and networking events to collaborate with attorneys in specialty areas.
Membership in the Topeka Bar Association is open to law students and attorneys. To join the TBA you must fill out a membership application and pay an annual due, which is free for law students and newly admitted attorneys, but $75.00 for attorneys who have been licensed for five years or less and $100 for attorneys who have been licensed for five years or more.
534 S. Kansas Ave., Suite 1130
Topeka, KS 66603
(785) 233-3945