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Find a Lawyer Now!The Barnstable County Bar Association works to further the interests of the legal profession in Barnstable County and to increase access to the judicial system for the people working and living in the county. One of the ways that the Barnstable County Bar Association increases the public’s access to the judicial system is by providing a lawyer referral service in order to help members of the community connect with attorneys that are members of the association. Another way that the Barnstable County Bar Association aids the local community is by providing lawyers through its Lawyer of the Day program for those in need of help regarding preparing pleadings and forms at the Probate and Family Court of Barnstable County.
In addition to helping out the local community, the Barnstable County Bar Association also provides benefits to its members. The Barnstable County Bar Association publishes a quarterly newsletter full of helpful advice, such as tips on managing jurors in the smart phone age, and important developments in the legal community, such as articles alerting members to the adoption of new laws. Members are also benefited by discounts on educational programs hosted by the bar association.
P.O. Box 718
Barnstable, MA 02630