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Find a Lawyer Now!The Boston Patent Law Association (BPLA) was created in 1924 for the benefit of intellectual property lawyers working in the Boston metropolitan area. Membership to the Boston Patent Law Association is open to lawyers and non-lawyers, but non-lawyer members must either be currently studying law or working for a lawyer that practices intellectual property law. Although most members live or work in Massachusetts, membership is open to the whole of the United States, so even an attorney that has never been to Massachusetts may join so long as said attorney is licensed to practice somewhere in the country.
Members of the Boston Patent Law Association enjoy attending the several informative events sponsored by the Boston Patent Law Association throughout the year. Many of these events are put on by subgroups of the BPLA, such as the monthly meeting of the Biotech Case Law Club and the brown bag lectures hosted by committees including the Computer Law Committee. Other events are entirely hosted by the Boston Patent Law Association as a whole, including lectures on practical topics such as Balancing Law School and Patent Law Careers and round table lunchtime discussions on developing areas of law such as proposed changes to United States Patent and Trademark Office rules.
One Batterymarch Park, Suite 101
Quincy, MA 02169-7454