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Find a Lawyer Now!The City Solicitors and Town Counsel Association (CSTCA) is dedicated to the practice of municipal law in the state of Massachusetts. Only attorneys that practice municipal law in Massachusetts are eligible for membership. For lawyers that work as city employees, their membership dues are based on the size of the municipality that they work for.
Improving its members’ professional lives is an important goal for the City Solicitors and Town Counsel Association. One way that the City Solicitors and Town Counsel Association makes its members professional lives easier is by maintaining an online document bank full of documents that are useful to the practice of municipal law. The City Solicitors and Town Counsel Association also sponsors several seminars throughout the year to educate its members about important areas of municipal law, such as eminent domain and dog hearings.
The City Solicitors and Town Counsel Association also does a lot of work to improve Massachusetts through a variety of means. Members of the CSTCA's subgroups work to enact legislative reform in areas such as zoning and the transparency of municipal government. The City Solicitors and Town Counsel Association also reaches out to other organizations throughout the state and helps them put on educational programs.
115 North Street
Hingham, MA 02043
(781) 749-9922