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Find a Lawyer Now!The Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys (MAHA) is dedicated to promoting the advancement of Hispanic Americans in the legal profession and benefiting the Hispanic-American community in Massachusetts. Members of the Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys enjoy several benefits, including brown bag lectures and opportunities to volunteer. ‘The Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys also hosts several social events throughout the year for its members, such as outings to baseball games and awards receptions.
In addition to being beneficial to its members, the Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys works hard to benefit the general Hispanic community in Massachusetts. MAHA often teams up with schools to provide educational opportunities for students, including staging debate competitions at high schools and sponsoring special-interest lectures at law schools. Also, the Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys participates in a number of events and programs designed to provide pro bono legal aid to low-income individuals in Massachusetts, such as the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Dial-A-Lawyer program and the Federal CARE/RESTART program.
16 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 742-0615