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Find a Lawyer Now!Created in 1905, the Massachusetts Association of Women Lawyers (MAWL) is the oldest bar association for female attorneys in the United States. The Massachusetts Association of Women Lawyers’ goals are to further the advancement of female lawyers in the legal profession and to improve the legal profession in Massachusetts. Though the Massachusetts Association of Women Lawyers exists to predominantly benefit women attorneys, anyone licensed to practice law in Massachusetts may join the organization, regardless of gender.
The Massachusetts Association of Women Lawyers is committed to promoting legal education among both its members and the general public. Throughout the year, the Massachusetts Association of Women Lawyers sponsors lectures and other educational events designed to keep its members up to date on changes on state and federal law. Also, MAWL promotes legal education among the general public by providing a scholarship every year to a deserving law student.
P O Box #43
Scituate, MA 02066
(617) 957-8503