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Find a Lawyer Now!Beginning in 1973, the Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association (MLBA) has worked to create a presence in the legal community and an essential social network for African-American lawyers licensed to practice in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association also focuses on aiding the members of the African-American community that are in need of help. In order to better serve both the African-American legal community and the general African-American community, the Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association is constantly teaming up with other organizations that are dedicated to improving the African-American communities in Massachusetts.
The MBLA gives its members a number of different ways to give back to the community. Members that wish to become involved in the Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association may join one of the several committees that run the different aspects of the Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association, including membership and professional development. Additionally, the Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association hosts several events that allow for its members to actually contribute to the local community, such as neighborhood clean-ups and community forums.
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