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Find a Lawyer Now!Formed in 2009, the Massachusetts Reinsurance Bar Association (MReBA) is one of the newest bar associations in Massachusetts. Although most members of the Massachusetts Reinsurance Bar Association are attorneys, membership is also open to employees of insurance and reinsurance companies. In fact, insurance and reinsurance company employees are actively encouraged to join the Massachusetts Reinsurance Bar Association so that they can work with the lawyer members of the Massachusetts Reinsurance Bar Association to improve the reinsurance legal process for everyone involved.
Beyond bringing together lawyers dealing with reinsurance legal matters and representatives from reinsurance and insurance companies to improve the general process, the Massachusetts Reinsurance Bar Association is committed to improving the professional lives of its members, both attorney and non-attorney alike. MReBA has an entire page on its website dedicated to helpful and informative resources, complete with short descriptions of these resources. Additionally, the Massachusetts Reinsurance Bar Association hosts an annual symposium for its members, with several panels discussing topics ranging from particularly difficult issues to tackle during a reinsurance audit to the latest reinsurance trends in the United Kingdom and the European Union in comparison to the United States.
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