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Find a Lawyer Now!Established in 1978, the Women’s Bar Association of Massachusetts (WBA) is focused on creating a strong community among the female lawyers licensed to practice law in Massachusetts. The Women’s Bar Association of Massachusetts also works to promote women’s issues in the law and fight for gender equality. Although one of the primary purposes of the Women’s Bar Association of Massachusetts is to help connect female attorneys in Massachusetts with one another on a professional level, membership is open to anyone in Massachusetts that is qualified to sit for the Massachusetts Bar Exam, regardless of that person’s gender. Membership is also available on a firm level so that law firms may also join as members, which provides law firms with several unique discounts and other benefits.
‘There are several ways in which the Women’s Bar Association of Massachusetts works to create a strong community of women attorneys in Massachusetts. A very prominent way that the WBA brings female lawyers in Massachusetts together is its mentoring circles, which exist all over the state. Another way that the Women’s Bar Association of Massachusetts connects its members to one another is through its many committees, which include regional committees such as the North Shore committee and subject matter committees such as the New Mom committee.
The WBA of Massachusetts is also active in the local community. ‘Through its charitable sub-organization, the Women’s Bar Foundation, the Women’s Bar Association of Massachusetts provides pro bono legal help to a variety of different people, including homeless women, incarcerated mothers, and senior citizens.
27 School Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 973-6666