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Find a Lawyer Now!The Bar Association of Baltimore City (BABC) was formed in 1879 and has been serving the City of Baltimore for over a century. When BABC first started there were approximately 100 members and annual membership dues were only $5.00. In 1879 the original members created a constitution seeking to mold BABC into an organization responsible for maintaining the integrity of the legal profession, encouraging the development of the science of jurisprudence, and ensuring justice is properly administered.
Today the Bar Association of Baltimore City is a vibrant organization that hosts numerous luncheons, bar association meetings, CLE’s, crab feeds, and golf outings. The BCBA also assists members of the community through programs such as the 60+ Wills Legal Service Program and an attorney referral service for members of the public to use when seeking legal representation.
Membership in the BABC is open to attorneys and law students. To become a member of the Bar Association of Baltimore City you need to fill out a brief membership application and pay an annual due that ranges from $0 for law students to $150 for attorneys with 10 or more years of experience.
111 N. Calvert Street, Suite 627
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Telephone: 410-539-5936
Fax: 410-685-3420