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Find a Lawyer Now!The Federal Bar Association, Maryland Chapter was chartered in 1987 and currently has more than 300 members. The FBA’s mission is to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of Federal Legal Practice in Maryland as well as foster the personal and professional growth of FBA members. The FBA also seeks to encourage collegiality among all the various groups involved in Federal Practice such as public defenders, prosecutors, corporate lawyers, and public interest litigators.
The Federal Bar Association, Maryland Chapter hosts multiple events for their members including CLE’s, luncheons, and seminars. This organization also has agreements with large companies such as AVIS Rent-a-Car, Bank of America, Liberty Mutual, and Federal Express, which give FBA members significant discounts and special deals. The organization also has a member directory, publishes the respected Federal Lawyer magazine, and allows members to maintain a membership profile.
Active Membership in the Federal Bar Association is open to attorneys licensed to practice in Federal Court, but law students can obtain student memberships. To become a member of the Federal Bar Association you must fill out an application and pay an annual due which is $30 for law students, $75 for attorneys with 0-5 years of experience, $130 for attorneys with 6-10 years of experience, and $195 for attorneys with 11 or more years of experience.
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