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Find a Lawyer Now!The Lawyer Pilots Bar Association (LPBA) is an organization that caters to those with a passion for flying and law. The LPBA provides a forum for those with the unique passion of law and aviation to network. The Lawyer Pilots Bar Association also seeks to encourage an understanding of aviation law, rules, and safety. The LPBA provides valuable services to the aviation community based on their unique talents and help numerous agencies comply with aviation laws and regulations. The LPBA has several features for members, which include national conventions, CLE events, and seminars.
There are several different forms of membership in the LPBA. However, voting membership is open only to those who are licensed both as attorneys and pilots. Non-voting members must be licensed as pilots or attorneys, student membership is open to those currently enrolled in an ABA law school who have shown an interest in aviation law, and associate membership is open to anyone who has an interest in aviation or aviation law. To join the LPBA you must fill out a membership application and pay an annual due which is $49 for law students, $119 for attorneys, and $250 for sustaining membership.
P.O. Box 1510 Edgewater, MD 21037 (410) 571-1750