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Cumberland Bar Association

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Home   /   Maine Bar Associations   /   Cumberland Bar Association

Created in the early 1800s, the Cumberland Bar Association (CBA) has served the legal community of Cumberland County for nearly 200 years. The CBA supports the lawyers of Cumberland County by fostering collegiality among its members, improving the practice of law in Cumberland County, and furthering the professional development of its members. While the efforts of the Cumberland Bar Association are primarily directed at the attorneys working in the county, membership is open to all lawyers that are licensed to practice in Maine.

The CBA strives to offer benefits that will assist its members in their professional lives. Attorneys belonging to the Cumberland Bar Association that need to obtain more continuing legal education credits are given several opportunities to do so by attending the educational seminars that the CBA hosts throughout the year. To promote networking among its members, The Cumberland Bar Association holds several events, including the summer picnic and the yearly meeting.

In addition to providing assistance to its members, the CBA strives to benefit the county’s residents. For example, the Cumberland Bar Association regularly awards grants to local organizations committed to increasing the public’s access to the judicial system.

Contact the Cumberland Bar Association:

Freeport, ME 04032

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